Sydney, Australia
April 8, 1997

submitted by Ann Kortegast

Harry Connick Jr. is AMAZING. He played a two and a half hour gig last night at the Sydney Entertainment Centre and showed us what a real musician is. No opening acts, no late start, no costume changes, just a man, his band, and music.

It was billed as "An Intimate Evening with..." and I was expecting a small crowd. It turned out that the whole centre was full, and yet, Harry did make us all feel like we were at some smoky local club. The guitarist Tony Hall came out first, singing and playing under a spotlight. Then the other band members casually strolled on with their instruments and suddenly, Harry just came out with his arms wide open and everyone went mad. I just thought - wow! He is a BIG guy.

After the first two numbers, Harry started talking to the crowd and introducing the band. Crowd favourites included Tony Hall, Jonathon DuBose and Mark Mullins who had funky black vinyl pants on :) At this stage, someone threw Harry her underwear and he went, "We haven't even started yet and they're already doing this!" Anyway, the concert was this extended jam session where Harry would improvise each song from its roots to funk to rock to even classical. And he would do it on the organ, piano, trumpet, drums, bass and electric guitar. Just imagine a classical riff on the bass guitar!

My favourite part was when he explained to us what he was doing on the piano, the stride. He started playing and the beat came in, then his feet started to stomp. The piano became his percussion and he stomped, banged, did a little tinkle and stomped and banged. Then, he started to tap! He tapped all across the stage and then slowly circled his grand piano back to his seat. It was totally awesome.

Next minute, he says, "I'm gonna play some drums for y'all" and play he did. The drummer took over the organ and he started with this rap thing with Tony and Jonathon. He also did a cover of "Feel Like Making Love" because he had heard it on the radio and simply wanted to. Cool.

When he sang the song from One Fine Day, it was really funny because all the girls at the front of the stage started screaming and he wouldn't take any notice of them. It was really quiet and romantic, a real throwback to his Sinatra days and so incongruous with his grunge look. Everyone around was really tickled.

For an encore, he picked up the guitar and got Lewis to come down. The drummer started this beat and with Harry going backwards, Lewis, Tony and Jonathon did this great dance sequence. Then they turned their back and started to wriggle! It was so cool.

Harry Connick Jr. just made it all look so easy. You could literally see the music oozing from every pore, he had so much to draw from. His improvisation showed his grasp of the deep musical influences in his life. He just put to shame all the pretenders out there without even trying. I feel so enlightened! :)

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