Cleveland, OH
November 22, 1997

Review #1
submitted by Micah Hibler

The Cleveland show was EXCELLENT!  This was my first concert EVER! I have waited to see Harry since he was last in town that I could remember (1994?).  It was well worth the wait. The concert started about ten minutes late (but then again, who is counting?).  Harry walked out with a sharp blue suit on (at least that is what color it looked like where I was sitting in Row V).  He started out with a couple of the songs from his new album.  To be honest I can't remember what they started out with, sorry.  It doesn't really matter though, it was GREAT.

After a few of his new songs he played a bit of piano and let his band have some fun.  He has some excellent musicians working with him.  He also played a song from one of his older albums, and then some stuff that I didn't even know.  He went back to two from his new album: "Learn to Love" and "Loved by Me", and then for the last song, "It Had to be You".

In between numbers he talked and joked around with the crowd.  Harry is really one funny guy.  He had the whole crowd cracking up with him.  I never knew that he was so funny.

I have no complaints about his show whatsoever. He was excellent, I would have paid triple what I paid to see him again.  I thought that I was a big fan of the man before this concert, but now I have even higher thoughts and respect for him.  He truly is one of the greats of our time.  If Harry happens to be stopping by your town, check him out, it is money well spent.

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